Getting to know more about what to avoid with swine flu
The following are a few of what you should not do to prevent swine flu.
• you shouldn't anticipate the influenza vaccine to prevent swine flu: The vaccine for seasonal flu doesn't protect from the disease. The H1N1 vaccine is a completely different vaccine. It's best to get both vaccines as seasonal influenza is also severe Occasionally, especially for the elderly and Tiny infants and those with immune systems which have been compromised
• Don't think that a face mask will help in preventing swine influenza: Currently, it isn't clear how facial masks are effective in preventing the transmission of the H1N1 viruses. They are not recommended in most instances to prevent catching swine influenza except in the event that corona virus you're at elevated risk of acute illness caused by influenza or you're caring for somebody has a flu-like disease. You will still need to:
• Wash your hands regularly
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue whenever coughing or sneezing
• Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes
• In the event you have flu-like symptoms, you should avoid mingling with other people until the flu is gone and you just take another 24 hours then.
• there's a need to remain 6 ft away from people who have symptoms that are adverse.
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